How to Make Time for Art Work and Home Duties

Sometimes, time seems to drag on and on.

Maybe it'due south a rough day at piece of work that but won't end.

Mayhap it's waiting to hear back well-nigh a job interview or some eventful news that is supposed to be coming.

Sometimes, you just want to make your time laissez passer faster so you can go to where you need to exist going!

How do you make the fourth dimension laissez passer faster… psychologically speaking?

1. Terminate looking at the clock and counting the minutes.

The most effective way to brand time laissez passer faster is to stop monitoring the clock altogether and focus on something else entirely.

That may be diving into your work without distraction, losing yourself in amusement for a while, or just grinding through whatsoever is in front of you.

If you don't take something to do, look for something!

Ask the people (or your boss) if in that location is anything else you can do or assistance out with.

Work on a side project if there isn't anything imperative in front end of you.

Develop a new skill or selection up a hobby that will requite you something to focus your time and energy on.

Whatever information technology takes, the most important affair is to end paying attention to the clock. The more you look at information technology, the longer it'due south going to feel like information technology's dragging on.

Simply practice something – anything other than spending your time looking at the clock!

ii. Separate your time into blocks.

A day can drag, an hour can drag, fifty-fifty a minute can seem to continue and on.

But if you lot create brusque blocks of time to focus on, it can help speed up the passing of the whole period.

Dissever your time up into five or ten minute blocks. Then spend alternating blocks either engrossing yourself fully in the task at mitt or working at a more leisurely stride.

When fully focused on something, time tends to go by chop-chop.

Just information technology'south difficult to maintain concentration for long periods, especially if the task you're doing isn't that interesting or difficult.

Just by giving yourself an in-between stage where y'all can let your focus drift a bit, you allow your power to concentrate to "recharge" fix to become again.

You essentially dip in and out of a flow state where you lot get lost in the present moment.

three. Break up your duties.

The monotony of piece of work that we must echo tin can experience overwhelming.

Building on the previous signal, breaking up that work with other activities tin can offering something to look forward to.

Concrete activity, exercise, and going outdoors are all skillful ways to help notice some rejuvenation while you lot're pushing through some tiresome work.

The activity doesn't need to exist long or strenuous.

Even a v minute office workout or a jiff of fresh air tin assistance rejuvenate you by getting the blood flowing, more oxygen to the encephalon, and a brief rush of endorphins.

This is specially helpful for people who accept a sedentary job or lifestyle.

Information technology's well known that a lack of activity can fuel depression and lethargy which make information technology much harder to work your way through the slow times.

4. Immerse yourself in a proficient book.

When was the last time yous sat down with a good book and lost yourself in the author's words?

The art of reading books has been on the decline since the advent of television and is but getting worse in the digital age.

The attention that people used to requite to reading is now fragmented fifty-fifty more with streaming, digital writing, digital art, and instant admission videos.

Putting abroad your electronics and devoting your time and attention to a expert book provides other benefits beyond merely passing the time quickly…

…reading helps with retentivity and concentration, helps you flex the parts of your brain that facilitate learning and comprehension, expands your vocabulary, and provides stress relief.

v. Develop a To Practise listing for your processes and goals.

Fourth dimension can elevate on when it doesn't experience like nosotros are making reasonable progress toward the goals that nosotros set for ourselves.

A To Do list or general plan to get through your jobs for the day tin can give you the small flare-up of satisfaction that comes from ticking an achieved goal off of your list.

And rather than spending your time trying to figure out what to practise adjacent, you tin can jump straight into your adjacent goal and keep grinding away.

A thought out plan of action provides construction that can help you more easily navigate your mean solar day and lets you track your progress.

You volition too start to get a feel for how long certain activities accept when you are keeping track, which helps in future projections and managing your time wisely, including using your time efficiently.

vi. Listen to music, videos, or podcasts while you lot piece of work.

Audio can aid the time pass quicker when you're engaged in work that doesn't crave a lot of attention or mental energy.

Cleaning and chores are much less boring when they are paired with some upbeat, energetic music.

Instrumental music can also help y'all focus and concentrate by eliminating outside audible distractions when you are engaged in more focused work, like studying or homework.

Sound books and podcasts are a bully fashion to pass the fourth dimension, learn, or entertain yourself while commuting or doing repetitive, mindless work.

The lark lets yous sink yourself into the audio while you zone out and get into the flow of whatever task is in front of yous which makes the task easier and the time pass faster.

7. Tackle the undesirable duties that you lot've been putting off.

There are so many duties that are just deadening and annoying in our personal and professional lives.

And then many things that we merely don't want to make the time for or practise.

Knocking those undesirable duties out is a expert manner to pass the time while making progress in your life.

Not many people generally want to deep clean their home or re-file all of that paperwork that got misplaced, but information technology should exist washed one style or some other.

Tackle those duties! Swoop right in and look for a fast, efficient way to go through them so you tin can motility on to other things.

The all-time part of getting undesirable duties out of the fashion is that y'all no longer have the additional stress and anxiety of needing to do them hanging over your head.

You tin can boost a sigh of relief that they are already done and move on to more interesting things.

viii. Look for fun wherever yous can notice it.

Fourth dimension flies when you lot're having fun!

It'due south an former saying that reflects the perception that fourth dimension moves quicker when nosotros are taking part in fun activities.

Of course, a lot of activities that y'all need to exercise won't necessarily exist fun. But, if you tin find a way to create some fun for yourself in the moment, it volition assistance speed up the passage of time.

That could exist something simple similar racing yourself to terminate piece of work duties in a more efficient fashion than y'all did before.

Socialization tin add an chemical element of fun to otherwise unfun activities.

Even if you don't necessarily know or like the people around y'all, some degree of polite socialization and interaction can aid the minutes tick by that little bit faster.

Plus, it's never a bad thought to foster positive relationships with the people you're going to spend a great deal of time around. It helps everything run in a smoother way.

9. Challenge your listen with mental activities.

Sometimes you only don't have the pick to read a volume, listen to music, go outdoors, or practice much at all other than sit/stand idly.

There are many truly tedious jobs, vital though they might exist. Perhaps y'all are a security guard in a convenience shop. Or mayhap you sit down in a cost booth all day.

While yous take to retain some level of concentration, much of the fourth dimension you are either doing zero at all or tasks that yous tin can practice on autopilot.

So give your heed something to do. Take a moderately long discussion (like 'moderately') and try to spell it backwards (it'due south surprisingly difficult).

Or play the A to Z game in your head where you lot requite yourself a topic – such as boys names – and you have to come up up with an answer for each letter of the alphabet.

Or multiply 23 past 42 (or other random numbers).

Or list the names of past and present players in your favorite sports team or all the movies that a certain actor has appeared in.

In that location are endless ways to occupy an otherwise empty mind, even if simply to kill five minutes here and there.

10. Learn something.

Learning something new engages your encephalon in a way that few others things tin can match. And the dazzler of learning is that there is a virtually limitless amount of things to learn.

Retrieve about something that interests you lot. Then find ways to learn more about it. This could involve reading books, watching videos, using report apps, enrolling in online courses (there are gratis and paid courses for all sorts of things).

Even if you're looking to pass time at a task where you can't use your telephone or read a book, you lot could ever write downward ten phrases in a foreign language on a piece of paper and expect at it occasionally as you lot endeavour to memorize those phrases.

Learning is a claiming. Information technology helps y'all enter a flow state of concentration where time fly by.

11. Write.

What should yous write? Well, anything really. Here are a few mediums you might want to consider.


Share your cognition with the world by writing articles to publish on a website. It'due south so easy to outset a website these days, taking merely minutes to get up and running ( is a expert place to commencement).

You can write nearly whatever you like. Write about a passion – sports, politics, gardening perhaps. Write instructions for how to practise something. Share your opinions on things. Don't focus on how many people read the articles; only write them for you lot and consider whatever readers as a bonus.

A journal.

If you want to write nigh more personal things – your thoughts and feelings for case – you lot should get yourself a physical journal to write in. No one needs to encounter what you write, so you are free to cascade your center and soul out if you demand to.

Emptying your heed into a journal as well happens to be a good style to get your mind off something that is worrying yous, and it helps to organize your thoughts and so that you can brand better sense of them.


Even if you've never read a poem in your life, you'd be surprised just how fun, interesting, and challenging it can be to get the right words together in the right way to brand a poem that flows. Endeavour it out and meet if you similar it.

Short stories.

If you lot've got a niggling more time on your easily, you could always write your own stories. Think of a plot, come up up with some characters, figure out what they might say to each other or what their personalities are like. If you have any children, why not write short stories for them – they don't have to be long or complicated.


Regardless of whether you lot call up you accept good sense of humour, yous could attempt your hand at writing jokes, or comedy sketches. Whether you become for curt i-liners, or more elaborate setups with stories that lead to dial lines, it doesn't much thing. You tin can try them out on your friends too as an added bonus.


If y'all love listening to music, you'll know the ability of skilful lyrics to transport you mentally and emotionally to some place else. Well, you could transport yourself away from whatever boring thing you're doing by penning your ain verses and choruses.

12. Describe/pigment.

Some other creative pursuit that can help to pass the time is to describe or pigment. Peradventure you already like to doodle, only you can take that further and try to hone your skills and push your artistic boundaries.

Endeavor different mediums: pencils, watercolors, oils. Try different styles: still life, cubism, surrealism, portraits, landscapes. Try different things to describe or paint on: sail, paper, pottery, or even directly onto an outside wall (or inside if you're feeling daring).

13. Practise something with your easily.

Bated from painting or drawing, in that location are lots of ways that y'all can keep your hands busy whilst simultaneously passing the time. You lot could bake, work in the garden, sculpt out of clay, build out of woods or some other fabric, knit, sew together, or do any other sort of craft that involves using your hands.

Working with your hands on a artistic projection to stay busy is something that people take been doing for as long as people have had hands!

14. Perform some growth admin.

When y'all've got time on your hands – either because you've got nothing to do or because your job requires little in the way of conscious focus, you take the opportunity to engage in a little admin. Not your usual life admin such as paying bills or planning meals, but personal growth admin.

The fundamental task you can engage in is a little cocky-reflection. Y'all can occupy your mind and assistance the minutes and hours pass by as y'all get to know yourself better and figure out where you need to abound.

What are your strengths and weaknesses in full general? What are your good points and bad points as a person? What skills, mental traits, or behaviors would you lot similar to work on? What kind of person do you want to be?

What about your life? What is going well? What could use some work? And what do you want to change? Practice y'all like where yous live? Is your task/career something you want to change? Which relationships serve you lot, and which do yous need to prune?

These sorts of questions are not always simple to reply, just this is what makes them then great at eating up the fourth dimension. You can spend hours thinking about these things, considering all the different angles, deciding what your priorities should be.

15. Exist entrepreneurial.

Developing a business mindset can lead to all sorts of engaging and even heady opportunities. Why? Because at that place'southward ofttimes a lot of unlike challenges involved which means things to keep your mind occupied and results to work toward.

If you have a job, you could wait for ways to show some initiative. Are in that location processes that could run more smoothly? Exercise you accept ways to cut down costs or generate more sales? What well-nigh big ideas that might drive the visitor forward? Making suggestions to your superiors might mean you become to exist involved in making those things happen, which could mean a more heady work day.

Have yous considered starting upwards a side hustle? It's not for everyone and you shouldn't push yourself too hard or y'all'll risk burning out. But a little business on the side tin can give you something to think about when you're at your regular job and something to look forrard to.

Or is at that place a concern idea that you'd like to turn into a full time performance? Well, if yous have time to retrieve and time to go bored, you've got fourth dimension to work on the ins and outs of that business with a view to turning information technology into a reality in the future.

16. Meditate.

Meditation is non just useful to calm your body and listen; information technology can assistance to pass the time likewise.

When you lot meditate, you lot focus on something – your breathing, your senses, an object, a mantra – and this helps to take abroad all other thoughts. New thoughts may come, but they should hopefully become without too much trouble as y'all return to whatever you are focusing on.

And when you aren't thinking about how slowly time seems to be passing or about how bored you are, yous'll be surprised how speedily the minutes go by.

If yous tin't sit and close your eyes to meditate, there is such as thing equally open-eyed meditation. You tin practise it whilst sitting, standing, even when walking. And so wherever you are, yous should be able to learn how to meditate. This is great if you have a mind-numbingly deadening job that doesn't allow you to utilize your phone, listen to music, or do anything else just sit or stand up in that location.

Read these to pass the time:

  • How To Exist Patient: Developing Patience In An Impatient World
  • Why Living One Day At A Time Is Important (+ How To Practise It)
  • 28 Things To Do When You're Home Alone And Bored Out Of Your Listen
  • Why You're Feeling Bored With Life (+ What To Do About It)


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